

Giveaway on the Horizon!

Starting May 6th, Blogapalloosa begins! Hosted by Randee at Randee's Organized Chaos, there will be 14 straight days of giveaways from bloggers all over. A great opportunity to find some great reads and get some awesome stuff!
On May 18th, I will be hosting my own giveaway! You could win a gift certificate to my new favorite Etsy store- UUPP. UUPP is full of fresh, uplifting and quirky prints that would brighten your home. Check out the shop now and then make sure to mark your calendar!
"The best way to execute French cooking is to get good and loaded and whack the hell out of a chicken" -Julia Child
Here's a custom print from UUPP that I received for my birthday from a dear friend- isn't it fabulous! 

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